Everyone remembers a first impression, which is why it’s important to make it count! With so many salons out there, you need to stand out from the crowd. To set the tone for your clients, we have five ways to create a solid first impression that will keep clients coming back for more.
Create a welcoming website
Creating a great first impression starts from the moment clients search for your business. Your website should be easy to find, easy to navigate and easy to contact you from. Most of all, your website should show what you and your staff are capable of! This can then extend to your social media networks, spreading your visibility and creating an open communication channel with your clients.
A warm reception
Once clients arrive for their treatment, you need to make a strong impression with your friendly approach. Your reception is the first place clients will receive a face-to-face meeting, so make them feel welcome and cared for. Your smile and tone of voice help with this, as will gestures such as a warming drink if it’s cold outside.
Conversational consultation
Who are you? What style do you want? When was the last time you had a haircut?! A consultation should feel like a gentle conversation rather than a series of pointed questions – it isn’t an interrogation! Simply ask your clients about their previous experiences, from the good to the bad, and engage with their answers as you would a friend.
Whether your client will need to wait or be led straight to the treatment area, your décor is going to make a strong first impression. The way you’ve decked out the salon should be both welcoming and show off your personality from its colour, materials and aesthetic. That way, it’s both interesting to look at during any wait time, as well as a nice place to visit. Why not check out our blog on how to make your décor eco-friendly?
Maintain communication
We all love it when someone actively listens and engages, so make sure you create a great impression by maintaining communication. Once clients are in the treatment area, make sure you continue eye contact and any talking, gauging how they respond. That way, you can put your client first by either toning down the conversation if they feel uncomfortable, or chat away.
Salon by Premier Software® can create an excellent first impression by perfecting your marketing messages, integrating with social media and keeping your salon open 24/7 with its web booking portal via Online by Premier Software. For more information, book a free webinar or presentation today.